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A member registered May 17, 2021

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ATLYSS community · Created a new topic bug reports?

err not sure what happened and not seen an obvious thread on where to post em, but this happened it was mild thankfully just a console pop up think it was recall related as i was over an item when it happened. attachemt so i dont screw up spelling.

gonna throw my two bits on the poster idea, rather then just charactor shots why not location shots as well from a first person perspective? bet some really nice images could be generated from that,

new partymember? hope its vemix... it kinda sucks they just get turned into in item to be sold... i mean the way vemix fights in their boss fight would be neat to see translated to the players side too.

hostile takeover... now theres an option. if it could be "crowd funded" so to speak its an option of attack. paypals public after all and with enough share holders working together to force a board vote one could fire the board. not out of the relm of possability magnates media shown an example of this with his bannana vids aperently you can give people proxy votes to vote on your behalf and the disney mess showed you can buy votes too... the hard part is corodinating.

on the pitch to normies... ive actually been thinking on that one was wondering how you think this would work, i think going the free speach route will yield a possable angle. most americans hate being stifled, myself included. a flashy ad showing someone getting censored by a commissar type with ever increasing nitpicks ending in their mouth duct taped, eyes blinded, and headphones applied with a recording playing, with a caption is this the future you want at the end with a blurb about the anti porn laws and that the slippery slope isnt a falicy but a practice they go after aceptible targets first to lay groundwork the internets/this is just the first stop. maybe if it could be worked in show fosta, pipa, sopa, acta, coppa and ttip flash on screen at some points with the caption they wrap it in sugar so you cant taste the bs. not sure how that could be condenced to run as say a youtube ad or such though.

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theres got to be some way to put this issue to bed for good. currently as i see it going to the tor network or similar would be a temporary repreve at best. denying them their more potent methiod of attacks... going crypto would just end in yet more crypto regulation effectively de-anonomizing it further, using another countrys banking system would just end up with that contrys laws getting in the way ( but it would be funny if zimbabwe or others see an economic stimulus due to this ) and potental aplications of money laundering laws. as bitter as it seems the only solution i see is accelerationism and i really dont like it, basicly forcing all fun to go away your entertainment is job now, by forcing the issue into a frame most normal people can not only understand but are impacted by it could be forced off for a long time, rember the sopa protests?. nimby in all its glory, i think theres a quote that went first they came for the jews i did not speak up because i was not a jew, then they came for the bankers i did not speak up because i was not a banker, then they came for me and there was no one to speak up for me.

edit, something came to mind, america has leagalized bribery in the form of lobbying. perhaps a bunch of affected parties can come together in the form of a super pac or similar to represent a slice of the adult entertainment industry.

american here, not just you that finds it absurd. then again our representives only represent themselves these days. all those woes you mentioned are left there on purpose, hell they dont even fix the roads unless the mayor or simalir is up for election.

i did make it after bashing poor sonics head on the terrain over and over and to prove it i will mention that the rings go on for infinity and theres a nice black area ahead... hope thats vague enough to avoid spoiling it. also is tails drunk over there?

... level design needs a bit of work the area before the first red x barrier in particular. the jump is way too tight and the tiny platform you gotta jump on at the end is just too mean spirited with the slippery controls.

i wonder what the odds will be that mez keeps the bunny suit if their minds fried enough? would be a good humorous bit and a way to show mez acumalating mental pollution for a lack of better term.

was meaning the code one, almost back to where i was though so no probs hear

i notice theres been a few quiet updates... bugfixes perhaps? also thanks for the gallery additon. not made it there yet because the code import failed but workin on it.

err quick question noticed i cant use healing items outside of battle. is this intentonal?

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gave it a quick run and only had a few gripes so far,,, main one is the struggle system, way too much buttion mashing there not able to escape one. edit combat could use some work too.

gave this a quick spin after the art update. gotta say looks nice, i already broke poor nal in one test save to see what all states there are, with one flat out stated to be broken doubt theres any past there. heres hoping the new art draws in people like you hoped hell nals defult status portrait would be good promotional material i think. gl with this.

only real complaint i got is the build menu buttion is next to the get up buttion... but i guess we keybindings are introduced that will be fixed eh? so far the animations are nice, only problem i had with the latest build is i got lost in town did not realise i was going in a circle.

had an absent thought, what would the remaining flavors of mind control even be? just asking because theres really not many er existant flavors so to speak... and for some reason i cant really see mez being a hypnotized dom top or a stepford so i thought i would ask incase theres a dev roadmap someplace.

a nice short game~ thanks for making it.

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seen vinny's playthru of this. gotta say looks nice, quick question though. noticed that there seemed to be a status indicator in one of the menus, what kinda woes can we expect (besides simon getting drunk)?

edit deleted a line i prob shouldnt a put there.

after looking at the account i would hazard this is a dumping ground for school projects. nice they shared them with us, rather then it decay on a harddrive someplace

my guess a rube goldberg device, just a busted one.

... welp didnt expect this. also with the way the name is layed out, sonic sex your too slow cum on step it up.

serpent enemies? so far all i found was suc plants and statues... is there something to do to get them to spawn?

found a bug. end the round at the same time the foes take their turn it locks up.

im a bit of a derp, the version here isnt the same one on the patreon sorry.

so, dumb question where are these new monsters? not found em so far.

so im fishing here~ the main thing i was wondering was, what each stat does? its not explained in game or if it is its in those loading tips that are rather infrequent. other things, the alt paths? how does one get to them? are they random or do you got to do something to get there. hope its not the latter i tend to spam e because its hard to tell whats interactable and whats not sometimes.

finally got around playing it, any way we can upgrade our new allys? just curious in case there was something i missed. like the kuro area so far and thanks for the save warning... its a little tough but so far not seen anything that made me scream bullshit... then again not got to the boss yet.

thank you for your hard work, sorry to hear that it about burned you out. going to be giving this a playthru later, but from the update notes it sounds huge.

would be funny if the brainwashing backfires due to so many diffrent methiods leftovers overlaping turning mez into an agressive hornball with the main baddies scrambling to undo it beacuse everyones a bit sore now in more ways then one.

sorry for the extra work.

on the camrea break i noticed it happens around the flying lizards you added, primaraly when an enemy grabs you. could the event be bugged and they are trying to atach during an animation?

gave the update a try, the intro quest is fine and all just wish there was a way to skip it after seeing it so many times... well that and the animations actually unlocking. last thing i will gripe about is the "world map" system it works but the angle the camera is locked in makes selecting a level a guess as trees get in the way of seeing things. the town was nice while exploring i found a totaly legit entrepanuer in an ally, shame he doesnt have stock yet... also found a bored ape club memeber. judging from the dialogue is he going to take all the players money? if so might want to have options to progress the story with 0 money once the systems in otherwise it might cause a softlock... also tried to get to the lower part of town but turns out its just one big kill plane bummer, on other capture states on the road map what are we talking about? hypno? net traps? one too many lizards lifting the player off to narnia? oh yeah forgot to mention i somehow managed to break the camera... is there a reset because the only way to reset it seems to be save an quit.

??? eh?

was going thru your gallery on itaku came across an old piece with possesion involved and was curious about the chances of that kinda content making it in.,, well that and a general how things going.

thanks for this was a fun short game liked the bats design

oh? i rember this from way back when everyone used flash. then adobie happened... any chance you might continue some older projects or is this just a port to stop them from going poof?

hey, nice to see you got an hp system working. my main question is what next?

this might be dead due to work load and other factors but i hope it revives... question have you thourght about making this an infequent commison slot or something simalar? just mentioning because it seems like just letting this die is a waste.

if its not on there flat out im sure asking for help will get someones attention. again gl